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McKee Homes Fellas grow staches, raise funds for Movember
For a lot of men, November means moustaches.
Famously, the month of November is also known as Movember, a national fundraising campaign that raises awareness and money for the fight against testicular and prostate cancers. Locally, business groups and industrious individuals have pledged to grow facial hair and raise money for the cause of men’s health.
The group at McKee Homes Ltd. started a campaign last year called the McKee Homes Fellas, where around 13 men joined up to raise just over $4,000. This year the group is back and is aiming for a similar dollar amount.
“There are lots of different fundraisers you can do as a company,” said Ryan Doel, a member of the McKee Homes Fellas fundraising team. “I feel like this is one where most men likely know someone in their lives that have been affected by [testicular and prostate cancers] so it makes it a pretty easy fundraiser to be a part of.” Read More
Story by Riley Stovka