Building Futures, Community, News
Recycle Depot’s ‘Book Barn’ a small local treasure for Airdrie’s bibliophiles
In 2016, while our Building Futures students who were learning about business and constructing a new home in Airdrie’s East side Ravenswood community, they had the opportunity to put their new found skills and knowledge to the test with the City of Airdrie Recycling Depot. They had a compelling idea to start a book only exchange to “provide access to literature and free books”. said Shelley Slevinsky, the Operations Manager of the Recycling Depot. With the help of the Building Futures Students, McKee Homes, and the Recycling Depot the students constructed the book barn with the hopes it would drive community involvement and spirit. 6 years later the Book Barn is still providing access to literature and the Recycling Depot are encouraging more Airdronians to take part in the exchange program. At any one time there are hundreds of titles and multiple genre’s in stock. People can be seen going in and out all day long; and the message printed on the exterior – ‘Books – the original hand-held device.’ The Book Barn is located at Airdrie’s Waste and Recycling Depot at 21 East Lake Hill NE. and visitors of all ages are welcome to come to take or leave a book, as they choose!